My goal was to learn Houdini, and I can say that while I do have a better understanding of it. I have barely scratched the surface of how awesome this program is. As sort of a test I decided to create a tool to allow me to 'damage' objects. It is very similar to the basic break functionality of Houdini or Maya, but it creates a lot of the attributes based on the size of the imported object. It starts with allowing the user to visual what the damage might look like on a box, then scales up to match when the user imports a custom object. Allows the user to switch between a sphere, grid, or even a custom object to damage the base object with. It was a really educational project and while the tool and the UI are decent, there is definitely more to learn.
Houdini Tool from
alek.castelain on
a close up of the UI (click for a good shot)
a better view of the node network as well